Cannibal Corpse Swag Box

Ultimate Edition


Swag Box

For this limited edition merch set, a fan would receive a rare collection of a package within a clean designed freshly made acrylic box. On the outside, the acrylic would have Gothic strokes and patterns winding across the surface. With the logo in the center. The shelving would be red acrylic, to carry the use of the red from the logo and throughout the rest of the merch.

In the front would be a protected vinyl wrapped in a designed and illustrated packaging based upon their music and style. Then there would be two CDs, two cassette tapes, and a
T-shirt. Each would have the same type, logo, basic color scheme, and inclusion of either the strokes make red from the outside of the box or the main highly saturated illustration. Each music piece would have the same top hits from the band. The idea is that every vinyl, CD, and Cassette would have something different for each fan. Whether it’s enlarged illustrated teeth, guts, spines being ripped out, or the red graphics. 


Metal Illustration

The chosen illustration needs to be extremely graphic and gory. And the style needs to be both messy and gritty. Gory and insane! After a ton of illustrations, I decided on doing a werewolf vs. zombies illustration. Using a ton of gore and mayhem the illustration came out perfectly. I was able to successfully use the teeth and guts from previous sketches for the final composition. 

Designed Merch

Everything seen below would be included within the modern deigned package.

Completed Collection Including Diagram


Real Footage of BigFoot, MothMan, FrogMan


Wally Waffle Menu Redesign